The Only 30 Yard Air Conditioned Public Indoor Range In the Effingham Area
July 04, 2020
County Line Shooting Center FREEDOM Shoot
County Line Shooting along with Arch Arms Present our July 4th Freedom Shoot! We will have full auto firearms to be shot and enjoyed. We will be giving away a Firearm, and have food. We will have a Blasting good time no matter what everyone else says because We live in the Greatest land of all. And because We are Free!!! come out and enjoy! 9am to 2 pm or when we run out of people or ammo.
June 26, 2020
Illinois Concealed Carry Training Class
We are offering a 2 day concealed carry class for Illinois certification. We will start on Friday at 5:30 and on Saturday at 8:00. The cost is $125 and lunch on Saturday is included. Please call to secure your seat.
June 23, 2020
Illinois Concealed Carry Refresher Class
We are offering a 3 hour concealed carry class for Illinois recertification. It will be Friday at 6 pm till 9 pm. The cost is $40. Please call to secure your seat.